Nise Wave - As Seen on KickStarter

Ever wanted to create a home cooked meal but lacked the time do the actual cooking part? A new project by the name of Nise Wave, has the ability to solve this issue. The product has well over exceeded it’s pledge backing goal of 35K and has received over 90K in backing funds and has a Kickstarter special price of only $135. Here’s how the phenomenon works.

The product is a handheld sized device that get’s placed into a pot of water along with the item to be cooked – the food itself should be placed in the water sous vide style, or vacuum packed and sealed. The “chef” then sets the time at which they want the food to be cooked and inputs additional details such as how they would like the item cooked, for example: rare, medium rare, or well done.

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This compact product is compatible with a mobile app that, according to makers, is designed to, ” find cool recipes, learn how to create culinary masterpieces, show off your cooking abilities, or make friends.”

Bottom line, this sous vide cooking product gives people the ability to cook their meals while they are out doing other things! Read more about the Nise Wave features, mobile app, and pricing details on Kickstarter.

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Photo credit: Nise Wave Kickstarter Page

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